Who does not enjoy the romantic whiff of dark coffee brew? Coffee shops have become a phenomenon. Working, chatting, catching up, meeting, being alone, thinking, doing nothing; all of these qualify for a shortie or a longie at a coffee shop.
I too am a coffee person. I love my black coffee. I learnt this recipe from Kavery though she insists her other coffee cake recipe is even better. This one too is delicious. Suruchi loves it. I overheard her advocating it to someone just a couple of days back.
My food word for this recipe would be romantic.
When you go out shopping look for:
Castor sugar
All purpose flour
Baking powder
Instant coffee
Icing sugar
The recipe would be:
Take one hundred and fifty gms each of castor sugar, butter, flour, three eggs, one and a half tsp baking powder, one tbsp of coffee and one tbsp of hot water to dissolve coffee. Use an electric whisk and cream the butter till it is soft. Once creamy, add the castor sugar and mix well. Separate the eggs and beat them separately for four mins each, if you are using an electric whisker. In another bowl fold in the baking powder with the flour. With a flexi spatula add the flour mix to the creamed sugary butter. Smoothly mix the batter till the flour folds in completely with the butter-sugar mix. Now, dissolve the coffee in the hot water and once done add this to the batter. Pour into your prepared baking tin. Bake at one hundred and sixty degrees centigrade for thirty mins. Your kitchen will be filled with a sexy subtle aroma, enjoy! Once your needle when pierced through the cake comes out clean you will know that your cake is baked and ready. Place on a wire rack to cool.
To make first the icing ensure that the butter is at room temperature. Then you will need two hundred and twenty five gms icing sugar, hundred gms butter, one tbsp coffee and hot water. Again cream the butter with an electric whisk. Once soft, fold in the icing sugar and finally add the coffee which you need to again dissolve in the hot water.
Once the cake is at room temperature, with an icing knife gently coat the cake with the coffee icing. Sprinkle some choco chips or chocolate shavings. Keep in the fridge. Whenever you are serving, take it out for a bit from the cold, slice out a delicious wedge and knock the lucky one off his feet!