While we do know that cabbage with vinegar is considered as a good hangover remedy, there is a cabbage lore which probably precedes this remedial tactic. The lore goes as that Egyptian pharaohs would eat large quantities of cabbage before a night of drinking as they believed that cabbage consumption would allow them to drink more alcoholic beverages without feeling too much after effects.
So, probably I am sharing this recipe at an inappropriate time, which is after the eating and drinking. What can I say? A salad is a salad. Eaten whenever it means well.
My food word for this recipe would be attractive and delicious.
When you go out shopping look for;
Red cabbage
Grapes or plums
Tomatoes or cherry tomatoes
Pine nuts
For the dressing
Extra virgin olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Cracked pepper
The recipe would be;
Take half a red cabbage, wash it well, dry it well. Now chop in thin long strips. Keep aside. Next halve grapes, black or green, longitudinally. If you are using plums cut them in cubes. Cut tomatoes into cubes. If you wish to use cherry tomatoes keep them whole. I normally use fifteen grape pearls or two plums and two medium sized tomatoes or a handful of cherry tomatoes. Toast a handful of pine nuts, they are expensive, be alert and do not burnt them while toasting. Take about fifty grams of store bought flavoured paneer. If it is normal paneer it works too. Mix everything but use only half the paneer. This is important to note because when you dress the salad the paneer crumbles a bit much. It is a good idea to allow only half the portion of paneer to blend well into the leaves. Save aside a few of the pine nuts for topping.
For the dressing, in a bowl, take two tbsp extra virgin olive oil, two tbsp balsamic vinegar, salt to taste, a dash of oregano, a dash of sugar and some cracked pepper. Mix well with a spoon until the sugar dissolves.
About half an hour before serving, dress the salad well. Top with the balance paneer roughly crumbled and the kept-aside pine nuts.